
We take pride in our
conservation efforts.


When Percy J. Fontenot first purchased this tract in 1960, he already knew how important it was as a home for birds and other wildlife. Over the years, he would repeatedly mention the site’s importance to his daughter Anita, who now serves as PJF Farm president.


In the Summer of 2020

Anita reconnected with Bill Fontenot, wildlife ecologist and old family friend who had grown up hunting, fishing, and birding at the Farm. Bill accepted Anita’s invitation to join the PJF Farm team, directing its wildlife conversation planning effort.


Thus far, Bill has initiated detailed inventories of the Farm’s plants, birds, butterflies, and dragonflies. Bill invites additional reports and photographs from all of the naturalists, hunters, fisherman, and other outdoor recreationists who visit the Farm.


We’ve given tours and had detailed discussions regarding wildlife conservation issues and ecological restoration opportunities with folks like Andy Dolan, Landowner Assistance Biologist with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Brian Sean Early, Botanist with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Chris Doffitt, Natural Areas Registry Manager for LDW&F, Dr. Erik Johnson and Katie Barnes with Audubon Louisiana, Dr. Brad Moon, Professor of Biology and Field Biologist with the University of Louisiana, Dr. Jay Huner, retired biology professor and crawfish aquaculture expert from UL, and Matt Conn, Ecological Restorationist with SEG Environmental in Lafayette, along with expert field ornithologists (birders) and entomologists (insects) Dave Patton, Phillip Wallace, and Mac Myers.

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Over time we hope to restore some habitats install educational/interpretive stations, delineate nature trails, and partner with various conservation agencies in sponsoring special events here. The year 2020 will be remembered as the year in which we doubled-down on our efforts to enhance wildlife conservation.

Have questions about the natural history
of PJF Farms?